Title: Thirst
hllx3 Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Teddy/Victoire
here. Prompt: 5, Thirst
Rating: 16+
Warnings: language, angst
Summary: Victoire stays strong.
Word Count: 200
Victoire twisted the cap off of her water bottle and took a long sip. After the first few drinks, she had her face controlled. She smiled when she needed to and talked excitedly about the day and laughed with her family. They were so elated for their younger daughter and so elated for the boy that was like their son. Now he would be.
But she couldn’t be happy. Dominqiue had stolen him from her, spread horrid lies about her to Teddy’s ears, made her seem disgusting to him.
He proposed to Dom at a beautiful spot near the river that Victoire had found for them. It was there place; there they had picnics, they swam together, they made love....
Then she ruined it all and he brought her there. Victoire couldn’t help but wonder, did he remember anything about her, anything that was good?
They were saying their vows--Victoire opened her bottle and this time gook a long gulp. The smile on Dominque’s face was too much. She was too fucking happy ruining her sisters life.
This time though, an identical smile graced Victoire’s face. Their reception would not end up perfect, especially since she was still so thirsty.