Dear Yuletide Author:
First, thank you so much for writing me fic! Yuletide is always one of my favorite times of the year, and I think this year is going to be amazing.
General likes/dislikes:
Basically, I love all types of fic: character-focused, long and plotty, PWP, gen, het, slash, angst, fluff, anything you want to write. I love things focused on the characters, how a character would react to an unexpected situation. No character bashing.
For romance, I love pining, cluelessness, good drawn-out romance, and watching characters get hit by the clue-bus. I'll read any rating you want, from the most gen to the most hardcore, so go nuts.
I'm pretty open to kinks so long as it's written well and doesn't involve bodily fluids. But please no Alpha/Beta/Omega-verse, knotting or dub-con/non-con. I like my characters to want to be involved.
And if you kill someone please warn me, though I'd prefer everyone to live.
Fandom Requests:
1. Sleepy Hollow (2013)
*Ichabod Crane
*Abbie Mills
Ichabod vs. Modern LIfe continues to be one of my favorite things about the show. I love how he's fascinated by little things that we all take for granted, like power windows, showers, lamps. I also love that he seems to be developing into an unexpected foodie and would love to see him being introduced to whatever foodie scene exists in Sleepy Hollow. Please be careful here, though. Ichabod is adapting really well to modern life and modern conveniences, and he is unlikely to throw a laptop out the window while yelling WITCHCRAFT! He seems to have grasped the big picture very easily but is still fascinated by minutiae.
The other thing I love about Sleepy Hollow is Ichabod and Abbie's relationship. It's only been a few weeks as I write this, but he seems to depend on her for how to investigate things in the modern world and she depends on his knowledge of the arcane and the sudden war they've been pitched into. How does their relationship work when they're not investigating weird things? Does she leave him to his own devices, or do they start spending more time together? What do they do in the off hours? Does Abbie have to drag Ichabod away from their new batcave? Does he listen when she tries? Gen or shippy, I don't care. I just want more of them and their sassy new friendship/partnership.
2. Captain Marvel
*Carol Danvers
*Helen Cobb
*Monica Rambea
*Wendy Kawalski
How much do I love Carol Danvers? A lot, let me tell you. Second-favorite superhero ever. (She-hulk gets top billing, and I'm super excited for her new series.) I adore all of Carol's female friends and would like to see more of her interacting with them: Helen Cobb, Monica Rambeau (A Carol/Monica Sass-off would be so perfect), or Wendy Kawalski. Or just a day at home with Chewie. Maybe explore some of these post Enemy Within.
3. Fearless Defenders
*Annabelle Riggs
The first time I picked up Fearless Defenders, I was pleasantly surprised by the addition of Annabelle. And right away I shipped Annabelle/Valkyrie. I ship it HARD. Please give me something exploring the nature of their new, shared body. I love how well Annabelle is able to temper Valkyrie's fierce, crazy, fighting nature. But it must be a struggle day to day. I would love to see them managing something mundane at home and bickering over who can do what better.
4. Teen Wolf RPS
*Dylan O'Brien
*Tyler Posey
I know that all the personalities actors put on for the cameras/press are just that. But the sheer number of times Posey has offered to have sex with Dylan in press and interviews makes me smile. I'd love to see one of them wanting to carry through on that.
5. WTF Evolution
*Evolution's Manager
Nature is WEIRD. I would love to read Evolution's defense of certain animals and their weirdest behaviors (Giraffe sex lives are hilarious, for example). Or maybe what Evolution was thinking when it invented some of the deepest sea creatures. Or maybe why Evolution stopped production on unicorns, dragons, griffins, krakens and other mythological creatures.
Thank you again, Yuletide Author! I can't wait to see what you come up with!