Because Amazon FAILS and the Internet WINS

Apr 13, 2009 00:15

I've now been obsessively following AmazonFail for over 12 hours. So far, the best protest is this one right in the belly of the beast.

But now it's time for a different sort of protest.

Because Amazon is delisting mostly GLBT content, calling it "adult"

I'm calling for a:



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Comments 21

stackcats April 13 2009, 16:43:20 UTC
Hi! I found this post via my flist, and I hope you don't mind if I friend you and write something to post - we seem to have a lot of interests in common, and a few friends too :0)


hllangel April 13 2009, 16:54:28 UTC
Of course I don't mind! This is open to everyone, not just my limited Flist! Write, and pimp it out!


broken_anchor April 13 2009, 17:35:55 UTC
add you as friend so I can read the comments and the like.


Fanfic - Buffy/Torchwood - Giles/Jack - Burying the Past unfeathered April 13 2009, 22:55:33 UTC
Oooh, am I the first to bring porn?

I'm afraid it came out a bit too long for comment!porn, so I've just posted it at my fic journal and am linking to it here. Hope that's okay!

Here be porn


Re: Fanfic - Buffy/Torchwood - Giles/Jack - Burying the Past hllangel April 13 2009, 22:57:14 UTC
YAY! first post! I'd prefer to have it in comments, but porn is porn, and that's what we're here for!


Re: Fanfic - Buffy/Torchwood - Giles/Jack - Burying the Past unfeathered April 13 2009, 22:58:39 UTC
Seriously, I can stick it in comments if you want, but I think it'll need three or four comments...


Re: Fanfic - Buffy/Torchwood - Giles/Jack - Burying the Past hllangel April 13 2009, 22:59:57 UTC
If it's that long, I think keeping it to your journal is fine. :)


House MD-House/Wilson-The Heartaches I Caused You karaokegal April 14 2009, 21:41:58 UTC
I got your gay porn right here baby!

The Heartaches I Caused You


Torchwood: TimeAgents!Jack/John laurab1 April 16 2009, 16:54:22 UTC
It’s the mission, the thrill of the chase that makes them both hot as hell, always has done. Well, that and all of time and space to play in. Thank the goddesses for the Time Agency. It’s a job and a home, for Jack and John.

The latest chase has just ended. A gap in Time has been repaired, a hostile alien is now occupying an Agency cell, and the guys are back in their quarters.

“Mission accomplished, yet again,” Jack says, grinning down at John. He has his partner in his arms, and pressed up against a wall. “Oh, baby, we are so very good.”

“Bloody marvellous, that’s what we are, love,” John replies, laughing. “The brass even told us so, this time.” He snakes a hand around the back of Jack’s neck, and ever so slowly pulls his head closer. “C’mere, you.”

“Oh, yeah,” Jack growls.

Their lips meet; they lose themselves in each other and the kiss. Heat and passion rise; uniforms are soon stripped off, VMs are removed, hands caress bare skin.

“Bunk,” one of them says, in a break for air, “now“Hey, where’s your sense of adventure? Here’ ( ... )


Re: Torchwood: TimeAgents!Jack/John karaokegal April 16 2009, 19:51:16 UTC
Nom nom nom! So good and hot and yummy.


Re: Torchwood: TimeAgents!Jack/John laurab1 April 17 2009, 02:36:32 UTC
Yay! Thank you :)

So good and hot and yummy.

Even though nothing much actually happens and it's a fade to black? How do I manage that?!


Re: Torchwood: TimeAgents!Jack/John karaokegal April 17 2009, 02:41:28 UTC
Because it's Jack & John, and you can't have them in the same room without it being hot and yummy.


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