Title: Left My Known Life to Chance
Author: Pumpkin-eater
Written for:
elistaireCharacters: Joe Dawson, Methos, Duncan MacLeod
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Wordcount: 3,800
Summary: Well, I'm a pumpkin-eater and therefore not predisposed to supply you with a summary. But I will say that
elistaire requested an episodic story that is a bit spooky
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Comments 20
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Good thing Joe has his clean-up crew.
Joe's clean-up crew, lol.
Nice imagery:
A murder of crows in the backyard.
the jack-o-lantern with candle wax flowing between bad teeth
Scattered orange heads still littered the field
I was so glad Abraham's head was attached when they dug him up.
He is an awfully reasonable fella.
Why did she think I'd try to stop her leaving? I'm not that kinda man. I don't own her.
and he and Methos had a good history!
City girl that I am, I had no idea cows eat pumpkins!
Abraham's a lovely OC who helps us learn more about our characters. Perfect :)
And I also liked Tracy.
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