Title: Stranger Than Fiction
Author: The Naughtiest Reindeer
Written for:
dkwilliamsCharacters/Pairings: Duncan/Methos, Amanda, Lucy Becker
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4,286
Author's Notes: Thank you from the bottom of my heart, intrepid beta-readers!
Summary: In which Duncan visits Amanda for a lunch date, and finds something he shouldn't.
Stranger Than Fiction )
Comments 27
Edit: had to reread it, as I was tired yesterday and not in the proper frame of mind for fiction. On rereading, this is an amazingly good holiday story, and I love it even more than the first read. So funny with Duncan getting embarrassed at buying the book, then hot and bothered reading it. I loved the confrontation even more, although I felt sorry for the poor fans of LaTour's books!
This started from a snippet I've had lying about on my hard drive forever, and I can't even remember what the original story was going to be. But in the desperation to come up with something doable for a pinch hit, I read the snippet, and this is what happened. I'm sorry, Duncan. Truly.
Thank you so much for reading. :)
No, seriously. It's so perfectly constructed, and so very true to character, and funny. Not laugh out loud funny, just so happily, quietly grinning away in the corner here. Love this story!
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