Title: "No Child is Ever Mine" Author: St.B's IrishC Written for: morgynleri_fic Characters: Methos, Amanda Rating: Gen Wordcount: 1,250 Summary: Then and now.
I'm glad you liked this shorty, it was fun to write. When I read your thoughts about a gift story I noticed the interesting contrast between your request for a historical setting and immortals in space, click!
The evolution of humanity, through Methos and Amanda's eyes--so awesome. I liked the scene where Methos chose to go from taking life to saving it--because that was the more courageous battle. Very neat!
Oh, I like the look at Methos going from being Death to trying to waging war on it, especially as combined with his use of healing knowledge to kill the king. His criss-crossing with Amanda on their travels toward peace was neat, especially with the hopeful ending and the implication that they both, somehow, won the Game.
This is super cool. I love the idea of their friendship spanning many centuries, and I love that you included Amanda's maternal instinct-and Lucy's great granddaughter!
Comments 19
EEEEEEEEEEE! Methos and Amanda in space, and over the centuries, and it is awesome!
*goes to read it again*
(My only NY resolution was to use fewer exclamation points...)
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