Hi there! I hope you're enjoying the fest so far, as we are past the halfway point! Just a few notices and all that before posting resumes today
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Hmmm. I was wondering... I'm not sure, because it's not really as excellently crack-fic as I would have expected, but for the superb dialogue and the humour, amand_r herself?
If Duncan had been here, I would have picked Carene for the humor and dialogue. Without him? Maybe amand_r for the same reasons? Or mackiedockie for the wonderful Joe? Or AD absolutely, who writes wonderful and humorous Joe, with and without mackiedockie? But I don't recall her Amanda. Is it cheating to have read in the sign up post that sholio likes to read less common pairings like Joe and Amanda and also femslash involving Amanda? Maybe she writes it too? But I don't know her writing. Ad absolutely or sholio? Ad absolutely or sholio? I'll go with sholio, for a change of pace.
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