Dec 23, 2009 15:16

1. Please, authors, remember to post your stories over at the Archive, and anywhere else you like. If you do, Killa will give you a cookie! (Okay that's a total lie, but come on! Post them for posterity!)

2. If you have not already thanked your author, please do so. I see there are about four or five of you who, I am sure in the chaos of the holidays, simply let it slip your mind! I know from personal experience that it's always nice to hear from the recipient for whom you spent time personally writing.

3. Thanks again for making this so much fun!

Without further ado,


1. ishafel wrote Preemptive Strike for chinae (gen/slash)
2. merriman wrote The Jolly Sailor for holde_maid (gen)
3. amonitrate wrote Facta, non verba for pat_t (slash)
4. adabsolutely wrote "Change, see: Life is About" for Diana Williams/dkwilliams (slash)
5. chinae wrote Guess who's coming to dinner/Four times Joe Dawson almost met Methos and the one time he did. for mackiedockie (gen)


1. kerravonsen wrote Provenance Unknown for Black Rook/grachonok (gen)
2. tryfanstone wrote man walked into a bar for fractured_sun (slash)
3. silvercobwebs wrote Compassing for hafital (slash)
4. carenejeans wrote Yule Fireside Stories (Five Stories and an Interlude) for silentflux (gen/slash)
5. silentflux wrote Sealed by Fire for carenejeans/Carene (slash)


1. _chibiko_ wrote Purpose for kerravonsen (gen, crossover)
2. holde_maid wrote Stained for idontlikegravy (gen)
3. idontlikegravy wrote Postcards From the Trenches for silvercobwebs (gen, crossover)
4. fractured_sun wrote Another day for adabsolutely (slash)
5. mackiedockie wrote Refraction for dswdiane/Diane (slash)


1. rodlox/Keenir wrote The faraway land is an old barn/The Immortal Lee's Enemy for strangevisitor7 (gen, crossover)
2. pat_t wrote A Wintry-Blues for corbeaun (slash, het)
3. corbeaun wrote Tokyo Song for bittersweet325 (slash)
4. morgynleri_fic wrote Five times Methos Met Parker for rodlox (gen, crossover)
5. elistaire/Tray wrote Palm and Pleasure for calime33 (slash)


1. grachonok/Black Rook wrote a Feast in the Time of Plague for jinxed_wood (het)
2. bittersweet325 wrote Typical for merriman (gen, crossover)
3. hafital wrote The Manuscript for elistaire (gen/slash)
4. calime33 wrote A Rewalian Winter or The Devil's Disciple for unovis_lj (sapphic)
5. jinxed_wood wrote Hang High the Raven Banner for _chibiko_ (gen)


1. strangevisitor7 wrote The Replacement Job for morgynleri_fic (gen, crossover)
2. lferion wrote Lavender House - Initiation for ishafel (slash, crossover)
3. dswdiane wrote Through A Stone Darkly for lferion (slash)
4. unovis_lj wrote Sciocchi for tryfanstone (slash)
5. dkwilliams/Diana Williams wrote Rediscovering the Christmas Spirit for amonitrate (slash)

Story with the most correct identifications: It was a twisty link, as both Unovis's "Sciocci" and her gift fic, "A Rewalian Winter or The Devil's Disciple" written by Calime 33 were tied with 2 correct guesses!
Runner up: Everything else!

First person to guess a story correctly: grachonok

Person with the most correct guesses: grachonok and defending champion dkwilliams!
Runner Up: Everyone else!

Author who was most incorrectly attributed to stories: defending champion lferion and new comer pat_t!
Runner up: Everyone else! (sense a pattern?)

Thanks again, and please, go back and read stories you might have missed! We have some quality fic here, and it deserves all the loving it can get!


admin, 2009 fest, reveals

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