Assignments have been sent!

Oct 14, 2009 02:34

Dear writers:

You should all have your assignments. In your mailboxes. Whee. But! Along with that assignment were the following rules, which I have put below.


1. You don't have to bow to all of your recipient's wishes. Some people try to do that and find they get hung up. Remember, they're more like guidelines. (You may request parlay, as long as it's by the deadline! :P)

2. Please check your recipient's entry in the sign up post and any comments they might have post in a thread under their entry, as some people had addendums. Also, some people wrote and linked to elaboration posts. Look at it if you wish to.

3. DO NOT CONTACT YOUR RECIPIENT! I know that some journals are set to accept anonymous comments, but I can't tell you the number of times I've "posted anonymously" but forgotten that I was logged in. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR YOUR RECIPIENT, PLEASE GO THROUGH ME. Likewise, DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR ASSIGNMENT EXCEPT IN THE MOST BLAND OF WAYS. And don't badmouth it, because eventually, your recipient might see it, and they'll feel bad. I know this from experience.

4. Your assignments were chosen in a strange method that involved coffee. I chose based on separating factors such as slash (yes or no), het (yes or no), character preferences, and crossover commonalities. Unfortunately, not everyone is paired with crossover possibilities. The more specific requests get, the less likely you are to find someone who shares those tastes. OTOH, no one knows who's getting a crossover! That's SWELL!

Also, if I inadvertently paired you with the person you got last year, please let me know ASAP. I'll mix things up with as little changes as possible.

5. Below is the posting header I'd like you to fill out when you send me your story. Please make sure to tell me if it's gen, het or slash.

Written for:
Rating: (use the MPAA ratings: G/PG/PG-13/R/NC-17/XXX!GIRLSGIRLSGIRLS!)
Warnings, of any:
Author's Notes

If it's a crossover, I'd insert that in there somewhere too.

6. Please email me if you have any questions/doubts/issues with your assignment.

I have nothing but faith in all of you. Let's show all them peoples what Highlander's all about, yo.

admin, 2009 fest

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