Happy Holidays, Laura/genna12001!

Dec 18, 2008 12:47

Title: The Matryoshka Principle
Author: amand_r aka Hanukkah Harry
Written for: Laura/genna12001
Characters/Pairings: Duncan, Methos, omc, one Inuit goddess (D/M)
Rating: PG-13 (contains slash too!)
Author's Notes: Happy Holidays, genna; I tried to work in plot and funny, with a happy ending preceded by some angst. Methos takes a bit of a back seat in this one, ( Read more... )

omc, methos, slash, 2008 fest, duncan

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dswdiane December 19 2008, 00:18:15 UTC
this story is utterly brilliant. Absolutely loved it.

Loved: "Again. Well, again with the rescuing and not so much with the Inuit shaman."

Loved Methos going elk hunting. And bagging one. And being dismayed to find out he couldn't bring 400 lbs of raw meat back on an airplane.

Loved: He'd done a lot of religious soul-searching in his life, but never had he tried cosmological hairdressing.

Loved: "like some demented cartoon character."

Loved: "Was this one of those mystery illnesses that got cured on the subatomic spiritual level and was never really decipherable from the outside?"

Loved the poetry reciting to answering machines and loved that one of my favorite e. e. cummings poems was among those recited (I thought you didn't like e. e. cummings, oh author, whom I have guessed, but maybe I'm wrong on both counts)

Loved: "Methos had argued to replace one of the living room end tables with a mini fridge, but Duncan still had some modicum of standards, and he vowed not to get sucked into Methos's quest for Ultimate Lethargy."

I totally lurved: "Methos did the dance of evasion as another child flung herself down the stairs of her apartment tenement and almost bashed him in the head with her sled. "I take that back," he said as he straightened the child by the shoulders and turned her to face her friends down the street before setting her free like a wind up toy." That was simply a beautiful moment. Lovely.

Loved: "Duncan stuffed snow down his coat." Here would be a good place to have Methos walk into a telephone pole, hrm?

This was simply a wonderful story. Thank you so much even if I am not the recipient.


amand_r December 22 2008, 19:45:19 UTC
Wow! Thanks so much! I am glad that you enjoyed it!


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