Title: O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree
dswdiane aka Methos For Sale to Highest Bidder (and by "highest bidder" we mean Amand-r. And by "bid" we mean three skittles and a kit-kat bar.)
Written for:
Characters: Joe, Methos, Duncan
Rating: PG (language)
Warnings: No trees were harmed in the making of this story.
Author's Notes: This
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"Well," he said philosophically. "That was invigorating. Not to mention graceful and dignified."
Joe looked down at the sword he had taken from the lake. "Um, does this incident make me the new once and future king?"
Methos sat up, grinning, and looked down at himself. "Wrong gender, wrong lake, wrong country,"
This priceless:
The tree promptly fell over. Methos looked at it, totally dumbfounded.
Joe came back in the door and looked at the tree on the floor. He handed the bottle of Wild Turkey to Methos, who took a swig. "Bad tree," Methos said solemnly, handing the bottle back to Joe.
"Bad tree," Joe agreed drunkenly, taking another swallow. He put down more boxes and abruptly sat down on the floor.
Methos tried again to stand the tree up. It fell over on him, and both the tree and Methos went to the floor.
Joe stared at him owlishly, "You know, buddy, I don't know if I'm even sober enough to stand up again, let alone help you out over there. I'm going to have to take another swallow and think about it."
Lovely, lovely story!
I am so glad you thought the entire fall in the lake and its outcome was funny. I so wanted it to be funny. So thank you for telling me I succeeded.
And I am so glad you saw the funny in the falling over tree with the two drunken guys.
It makes me more happy than you can know that you enjoyed this story. I value your opinion.
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