Why statistics are stupid

May 23, 2007 18:57

Sooo.... the BS continues. Today, I got written up at the store. Why, you ask? Because I had too high of a "items scanned per minute" rate over the last period. Ok, but I'm really not that slow. So, here's the real reason- I've been adjusting to the whole "lock your register every minute you're not scanning" thing, but I have hardly worked in the store that much! The last time I worked was 3.5 weeks ago, and then it was only for one or two days, 4 to 5 hour shifts! Soo... it seems that the statistic matters more than the practicality of the whole thing. Gee, go figure.

So I got written up. Step 1 of a 4 step punishment has been carried out. Of course, I have been making progress toward following procedures! I have honestly been trying! But seriously, how much do I really care? I'm outta there at the end of the summer. Someone will snatch me up! I know it.

Got emailed by two principals today. The first one asked me how I was with the whole application process, because he was still interested. However, no one in that county's HR dept. believes in getting back in touch with me, so I have not progressed very far. I'm still not sure why he can't just talk to me though... What's the harm in that?

The other principal was the head principal of the Winston-Salem school that interviewed me last week. He was wondering if I'd be up for teaching Environmental Science. I said sure, I have enough background- Biology, Geology, Chemistry, Physics, even an Oceanography class! And I observed and assisted my coop teacher with her Ecology class last fall, which used an Environmental Science book, so yeah, I think I could do it.

It would be heaven to work at that school... I'm hopeful.

Eh, so that's the latest. They just keep pouring it on me. And I just keep thinking about getting a REAL job and moving away, and hopefully being treated better and paid more.

I'm too old and educated for that company anymore. Too experienced and jaded. The time has definitely come to move on...

Tonight, I will be heading to Dan and Ryan's to watch the Lost finale. This could be the very last time I watch one of my TV shows with Dan... something we've done since college! It's really kind of a sad event...
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