Kyp/Luke missing scene NC-17

Apr 10, 2008 19:11

Title: What They Taught Him on Zeltros
Author: helgaleena
Fandom: Star Wars NJO-Cover Me by Ars Longa
Genre: slash, missing scene
Pairing: Luke Skywalker/Kyp Durron
Warnings: Jedi Masters do it withForce
Summary: Master Kyp Durron has nearly worked himself to death during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Only one man can get him to stand down and recover:-- the Grand Master. But things have been strained between them for decades now on a personal level. Past missteps need to be rectified.
Notes: I have received gracious permission from Ars Longa to envision this missing scene from her superlative fanfiction Cover Me, available at My own illustration is at

“So,” the object of his musings interrupted him. “Just how much exactly did you learn on Zeltros?”

In one smooth move Luke pushed away the low table between them and stood up, flowing fluidly from a relaxed sprawl to a standing position. He made one step forward, and stood right before Kyp, with his legs splayed and slightly tensed hands hanging by his sides. He knew what kind of a picture he must present, covered only in thin black pants, with his hips tilted a bit, just so, and he was glad to see Kyp’s mouth opening slightly and his eyes starting to darken, this time from obvious lust.

“Want to find out?” he asked with just a hint of a challenge.

newjediorder, star wars, me, slash, starwars

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