Dec 09, 2006 08:57

She disabled comments on her LJ entry and so I am shouting it to the world.

I KNOW depression; you could say I am a certified depressed person. And the mountain your nose is against right now will be a molehill when you stand up again.

In the meanwhile-- there is such a thing as a free LJ account. THIS is a free LJ account. Even if all your artwork needs to go somewhere else, such as DeviantArt free accounts(hinthint), or Greatest Journal free accounts, You can still link them to here, easily! And in the meantime, your friends did step forth to comfort you in any way they can afford.

Your art cannot be beat for beauty and feeling. You are following your bliss. And we love you, because the unuverse loves you. It just isn't aparrent every moment; sorry, we're working on that. I would rather have a late Osi-art and a happy Osi.

me, art, rec

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