Recently one of my fics,
Healing, was translated by a volunteer into Chinese. I have no idea how that went. But I know, from the struggles of my mother to make herself understood in Mandarin, that it is a language of several tone-levels that give you several alternate meanings for every written symbol, of which there are thousands, and that they do not have as many articles or verbal tenses as English. (And English is piss-poor in tenses compared to Sanskrit!)
It has been the source of many giggles for us to mock a certain bad job of subtitling ROTS-- (I was just made by the Presbyterian church, smelly boy)And folks do shell out hundreds of dollars for translation machines, that still only approximate among the several layers of meaning, which again can vary depending on what regional dialect is involved.
So I am very glad to see here on LJ, someone trying to get the tide of Star Wars love flowing back to us from the other end of Eurasia. And yet they have written subtle and touching fan fiction about the Jedi that we love! For some reason, maybe because the films were made in English, it is the language of choice for Star Wars fanwriters reaching out beyond their mother tongue.
Right now, I have helped clean up the grammar of a number of talented Star Wars writers, from Germany, Spain, Singapore, Indonesia, and even England (when they are trying to eliminate Britishisms, that is), so it is a great pleasure to work with
lydia117, on the English end of the bridge. This first entry (and golly I hope she doesn't give up yet) is by her friend
mishanchun and is a Qui/Mace ficlet postdating Qui's death. I don't mind rec'ing inmy largely Obi-Ani slash list because they are in it, too.
It's a mission of mine you could say, along with slashing every sentient critter in the GFFA who's willing to lust after another sentient critter. All your Star Wars global ambassador slashes are belong to me.