Title: Pointless
Fandom: Sweeney Todd
Characters: Toby Ragg, Nellie Lovett, Sweeney Todd
Prompt: #18 Point
Word Count: 100
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: All I own is a computer.
You don't think I know. But I do.
You don't think I watch you watching him.
You don't think I realize you'd prostrate yourself on the floor if he spared you a smile.
You don't think I smell your pointless devotion.
You don't think I have nightmares anymore. I still do - but when I run to your bedroom, half-conscious, I turn right around when I hear noises I shouldn't.
You don't think I'm smart. I don't either. But I'm smarter than you think.
You don't think I know something you don't: your dreams'll never become even as tangible as air.