This week, we have to stop Republican leaders from ramming a bill through the Senate that holds a minimum wage increase hostage to more massive tax breaks for the very rich. In a repulsive political maneuver long after midnight Saturday morning, the House linked a $2-an-hour increase in the minimum wage to tax breaks for multimillion dollar estates that will cost the U.S. Treasury some $750 billion-forcing cuts in food and health care assistance for low-wage workers, as well as unemployment help.
Call your senators now, toll free, at
Please click here to let us know you called. Political observers call this one of the most cynical legislative maneuvers they’ve seen in years. Republican House leaders were so desperate to cut the estate tax for a small number of very rich families-and so afraid of facing constituents who are demanding a minimum wage hike-they abandoned all shame on this one. Now the Senate must act.
Right now, please take a moment to call your senators. Tell them: Reject the House’s cynical attempt to hold a minimum wage increase hostage to slashing estate taxes for the rich. Support the filibuster against H.R. 5970.
Call your senators now, toll free, at
Please click here to let us know you called. Increasing the minimum wage from $5.15 an hour to $7.25 would give some 6.6 million low-wage workers a much-needed $1,200 a year raise and would not cost taxpayers a dime. In contrast, the estate tax cut would exempt estates as large as $7 million-permanently-from the tax and lower taxes for even wealthier estates. The payoff? An average $1.4 million windfall for each of roughly 8,200 rich estates. And a $750 billion tab for taxpayers.
It gets worse! House Republican leaders poisoned the minimum wage portion of the measure by slipping in a vindictive provision that would actually lower pay for tipped employees and prohibits states from fully restoring their wage protections.
Don’t let the Senate accept this disgusting political ploy by House Republicans. Call your senators now and tell them to support the filibuster against H.R. 5970.
Call your senators now, toll free, at
Click here to let us know you called. Thank you for taking action for America’s working families.
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