his website and other matters

Oct 23, 2007 16:04

Firstly, Arsenal training pics and more over at our affiliate comm, gunnergirls. They include Alex and I thought it'd be stupid to just use those pics over here again, so check them out! and if you love Arsenal and you fangirl and stuff - go join!

there's this great pic of Alex/Tomas.

In other matters, I am inept at finding a blog on his new website and both the English and Russian links at the top seem to have disappeared, so that might be a tiny problem for us. X____X Why Alex whyyyyyyy.

I've read several blogs regarding Alex and the Bolton match, all fangirling him and how he managed to unlock their defence, which is very pleasing, even if we all know he had it in him to do so. I may have to download that match...

Have a good day guys and enjoy the CL match.

ETA: Alex says about Bolton -

Das sagt Alex: "Das war ein wirklich schweres Spiel. Bolton hat die Räume sehr geschickt eng gemacht. Trotzdem haben wir die Lücke gefunden, das spricht für uns. Über das Lob vom Trainer freue ich mich natürlich sehr. Aber am Wichtigsten ist, dass wir weiterhin ungeschlagen sind."

Alex says: "That was a really difficult game. Bolton has very cleverly narrow spaces. Nevertheless, we have found the gap, which speaks for us. About the praise from the coach, I am of course very much. But the most important is that we remain unbeaten. "

what says alex, links, blogwatch

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