So, yes, that.
I should be:
- betaing Greg's next three chapters
- studying nucleophilic reactions (or something; sorry, don't know the translation)
- sleeping
Which, uhm, I'm not. Clearly. What I am doing is reading a webcomic. (Thanks for the rec to phoenix at dw or
phoenixdreaming. Who are the same person, obviously.)
Anyway, cool webcomic rec! That is
Yu+Me: dream. Cute and fun lesbian romance. And sort of weird, too, and with good drama and fantasy elements. Sort of. Anyway, you will understand when you read it.
I do have to warn that I think it has some problematic stuff in it, regarding race. I've been thinking so much about these issues lately that I don't know if I'm overreacting or reading something into it that isn't there, but just--precaution. I wouldn't want anyone to go in there and be hurt if they're not prepared. And of course, if anyone wants to discuss this, I will strive to make this a safe space for doing so. (It's mainly stuff that made me go, 'but why this?' And no, I don't think why not is a good enough answer. I think. Uhm. I will tell more in the comments if anyone wants to know before risking it. It's a good comic, and it's stuff I would classify into unconscious bias if anything.) ETA: I've contacted the author and she appears to be mindful of the problems and already planing to address them in story, so yay!
I'm cross-posting through semagic. I should take this moment to thank
tree for mentioning the possibility. :D