So, anyway

Feb 12, 2009 04:43

Update on my life.

On betaing. )

day to day, betaing, recs, on typing

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I didn't tell my take? Oh, I didn't, heh. So, ASIHC. hlbr February 12 2009, 20:36:52 UTC
I like the writing. It's very strong. I remember liking it so much, that I wished to make an adaptation with just the dialogue and the images that put in my head. (Comic or vid, or a mix or whatever.) Rarely a fic puts images in my head. And I've fondness for dark stories, if done well.

I try not to think of it as ff. That is, it is fanfic and all that, but the characters are not the same, and the plot veers into a wildly different direction, so there's not much canon left for the story to cling on.

DoA, on the other hand, has OK writing, but not good enough to tempt me. *g* (To follow into un-canon and AP land, that is.)

A Brighter Future is a good response to pod!Darcy, but not a very good one to pod!Elizabeth, I think, which was my very big contention with ASIHC--D, after all came around fairly quick... E continued to act like she had imbibed stupid in her mothers milk until the last chapter posted.

I like ABF, of course, but more than anything as a response, not as a ff in itself. (The writing is very different, too. I like Abigail's, but she doesn't pull dark like ASIHC's author does.)


Re: I didn't tell my take? Oh, I didn't, heh. So, ASIHC. elizabeth_hoot February 13 2009, 22:33:26 UTC
Oh, okay. So, sort of along the lines of 'Strange Bedfellows?' I mean, different, obviously, but its merit is not as fanfic(ie interpretation)? I do remember that it was amazingly vibrant, even though I ended up detesting pretty much everyone in it.

DoA? *iz puzzled*

Ah - my issues w/ ASIHC are, obviously, as much with Darcy as Elizabeth; I loved ABF re: Darcy, but yes, you're quite right, Elizabeth is just as much a twit as always. (I'm not sure that scenario can really be redeemed, honestly. I mean, it's not possible to write without making one or the other of them a total PodPerson.)

Abigail is definitely not a 'dark' writer in the same way - though what little I read of Bounds of Decorum seemed to be veering in that direction. I think part of the point of ABF (apart to Nicely say 'nyah!') is to make it . . . um, not dark.

Veering off-topic, but is it just me, or is most of the good Austenfic dark? I mean, 'Sarah's Story' and 'Indiscretions' and 'Profanations of their Joys' are probably the best P&P fics out there, and they're anything but bubbly.


Re: I didn't tell my take? Oh, I didn't, heh. So, ASIHC. hlbr February 13 2009, 22:49:59 UTC
(DoA=Depth of Attachments. Which is a story? I think. But I meant PA=Particular Attachments. lol.)

Exactly along the lines of SB. At least for me.

I've never read 'Sarah's Story'! If you're classifying it so high I will.

Very curious about the dark thing. I tend to think it's easier to make an impression with a dark story. Not easy to pull it off, exactly, but easier to make it memorable.

I just like them because they make me suffer. And then, hopefully, give me a happy ending.

But I like so many seriously not dark stories and authors that I don't know if most of the best Austenfic is dark. I have never counted, but I can think of many not dark stories of the top of my head which are on the same level that those you named. (For me!)

I'm now wondering how a response to those fics would look like, if it didn't use pod!canoncharacters. Is it even possible? And have it be a response, I mean.


Re: I didn't tell my take? Oh, I didn't, heh. So, ASIHC. elizabeth_hoot February 14 2009, 00:59:58 UTC
Ah, yes - that's Ali's sweet fluffy courtship-story. LOLOL!

I agree; good writing, but not enough to take the APs and (IMO) character-bashing that goes with it.

Sarah's Story actually made me cry, so - yeah. But aside from that, I think it kept the characters . . . themselves. Elizabeth doesn't become some sweet insipid thing and Darcy is so intimidating that he (unintentionally) terrorizes the poor girl.

I think, yes, that while all genres have badfic, tragedy and other darkish stuff is easier to do well. Sort of like Muffins - I mean, they can be done badly too, but they're easier to do well than Sandwiches and Pastries, because the drama is practically built in already.

Hm. I'd have to seriously think about anything happy that was really up to that standard, both as story and fanfic. (Those are the ones that, for me, totally win as brilliant fiction and brilliant commentary.)

I'm not sure if it's possible to include either of the elements of the scenario - E effectively propositioning Darcy in return for rescuing Lydia, or Darcy pulling a Crawford-Willoughby and making her, erm, favours a price for helping her family. There'd have to be some other way to respond; perhaps the possibility is suggested by another character and indignantly rejected? I don't know, really.


Re: I didn't tell my take? Oh, I didn't, heh. So, ASIHC. hlbr February 14 2009, 22:01:00 UTC
And, of course, I shouldn't answer when half sleep. I like ABF for the same reasons you seem to like it. The 'not as a ff' thing meant 'not as an independent ff'. So, as a response.

Exactly the opposite reasons to the ones I like ASIHC and SB for, which I would like a fair bit more if they were independent stories.

Just clarifying.


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