Writing--just not fiction

Jan 20, 2009 00:07

So, I've been writing the page for my corner of the MRR. I've the front page already and the story page is getting done tonight. (Even if I die in the process!) I'm pretty happy because when I tried it, both my xhtml (Strict!) and my css (2.1) validate OK! So they're well written, and readable. Even if I did use tables... \o/

That's more than I can say for the MRR front page itself. It's taking a little to load--and that's probably all the pictures--but most of all, I tried to see if the html validated and it doesn't. (As transitional.) I wonder if I should say anything or not--if I should offer to fix it or if the one that wrote would get offended. Probably. Uhm.

I wish the admins went with the automated archive route--even if that would mean that my carefully written page would go to waste--because that way there wouldn't be a hundred and seven pages with bad html--a pain to load for the big images, etc. (Not mentioning the work the authors have to put to make them!)

ETA: Ugh, NEG's page done. xhtml and css validate OK. Notes missing still, so I can't upload. I even revised it because I was too embarrassed to post some of the chapters (14 specially.) but only a little. Uh, I'm so tempted to take it down from ff.net and DWG and put up a link to AAOOO's or MRR's version and be done with it! I think I will. This story is dragging me down and I finished it already; it's totally not fair. There's a limit to my masochism perfectionism, and I think I've really passed it by a few weeks ago.

I watched the first episode of Heroes' second season. It's... OK, I guess. The faults of the show are becoming more obvious, its virtues (Fun! Good ideas! Plot twists!) are still there.

The latinoamericans' acting is dreadful. (The characters are Maya and her brother.) I mean it. Not only the dialogue is obviously written in English and then translated (For the lines they had, they could have easily given the actors an idea of what they had to say and let them phrase it!) but the acting itself is all... exaggerated. I had seen it already with the X-Files' occasional lat. characters, so I guess it's a trend or something. And their story is sort of boring. Oh well.

I'm all excited about Parkman and Molly and Mohinder and Mr. Bennet and Claire, so it evens out. Hiro's story was a little dreadful (His Japanese hero is a British man! Ugh.) but fun. The Petrelli's are still bland to me.

I've like two or three ideas for short stories in P&P. I want to try if I can change my style to a more simpler one. And at some point I would like to learn third person omniscient free style, or whatever what JA used is called.

I tried to explain POV to Lean the other day, but I don't think I was very successful. Partly is a names thing, and partly is that there are some things that I don't get at all, like--I've never had any problem recognizing the person (first, second, third, etc) so I'm at a loss to understand many of his doubts. It happens often enough when I'm betaing someone with pov problems, so I should investigate a little and study the matter formally to be prepared.

fandom, heroes, on typing

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