what weekend to start Hell week

Jul 30, 2001 01:35

Well damn I had the best weekend!!!! THursday I went to a biker bar (ok not like blue oyster type bar). My cousin is a hardcore biker and he has been begging me to go to his bar with him so thursday I did. I walk in there and the entire bar stopped and stared at me (yea I felt my ass cheeks tighten up in case it was that kinda bar) but then my cousin came in and all was well. I had a great time there I had all sorts of women buying me drinks and telling me how cute I was. it was funny because I was the only guy that would dance with them. well after a couple hours of that I went to the country bar I always go to (yes I'm a redneck, if I mow my lawn I might find my old truck out there.) it is nice walking into a bar were you are a regular. no id no cover charge and all the bartenders know what I drink. well once I got there things got fun fast. I meet 4 different women there and the 2 that stood out were Kendal and Lacy. wow they were both gorgeous. I freaked at the end of the night Lacy asked me to come home with her WOOHOO!!! but amazingly I took her home but never came into the house. she was drunk and that would not be cool. I finally got home around 4am friday mornin. well friday I had a date with michelle. I must say Michelle makes me believe I could love someone again. We went to desperado's which is a country bar in the middle of poo dunk FL it sucked but me a michelle talked while jason and katie danced. well after being bored we went back to my bar "the Barn" and all my frineds were there at 1st michelle would not dance so then I got out there and danced with some other female friends and wow imagine that then she wanted to dance. after she got out there and started feeling comfortable we danced until the bar closed she had such an inrense look in her eyes and we laughed and had a great time. we ended up back at my house and she headed home around 7am the next mornin. I keep thinking about her and I can't wait to see her again. she suppose to come out with us again on thursday I can't wait!!!! Saturday I went to a LAN party at my buddies house we got started around 8 pm and I got home around 8am this mornin jolly good time!!!! well after all that I have a week of attorneys and hell ahead of me yes folks it is round two of Saylor Vs. Saylor. this is where she takes off the glovves and smacks me around what she does not know is that there is a round 3 and that is where I expose the 2 affairs the abortion and all the other things that she is trying to cover up. I am even gonna put her new boyfriend on trial heehee. so af
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