Title: Last Set Before Closing
Author: Kat Allison
Pairing: D/M implied
Why this must be read:
Immortals are eternally frozen in time, if definitely not place. Mortals are not. Joe Dawson isn't coping with that fact very well, and Duncan isn't either. The Gathering is on and Methos is doing what he wants to do, as always.
The on-edge tension and gentle, loving depiction of the devastation that aging can bring is awe-inspiring. Kat's characters are all recognizable from the show - reading this fic it feels like you know these people and can understand their lives. I especially love the way Kat brings Duncan into focus at the end. He is so very Duncan, it fills me with glee every time I read this fic.
http://www.katallison.com/lastset.htm Author's website: