Title: A Touch of Honey
Author: Leslie Fish
Pairing: n/a
Why this must be read:
Take a moment, if you will, and picture Methos in his Horseman days. Got it? Okay, now picture him making big ol' innocent Adam-eyes at his intended victim. Yeah. That's why you have to read this. Wickedly, creepily delightful, and a quick read, too.
The prince clapped his pudgy hands together, which brought three servants running. "Go help those servants unload two - no, three - wineskins, and bring them hence," he ordered, grinning at the merchant's hopeful look. No doubt the fellow really expected a prince of Babylon to engage in anything as sordid as common trade - and actually pay for the wine. Well, he'd be in for a surprise soon enough.
"Ah, I do hope you'll enjoy my delightful vintage." The merchant was actually batting his eyes. "Perhaps you'll mention it to your exalted father? Perhaps the king's house of Babylon would be so generous as to contract for a regular supply?"
Hampshumaturas allowed himself a good laugh. Oh, the merchant's hopes were so obvious, so blatant! The fellow's big-eyed expression was as innocent as a lamb's.
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