Title: Lingering Scars
Author: Taselby and elynross;
taselby and
elynrossPairing: D/M, M/OFC NC-17
Read this: This is a sequel to
The Causes Remain and
Twilight Kingdoms, although I actually feel "Scars" can be read on its own.
It's an unusual and difficult story in terms of the Duncan/Methos relationship, touching on a lot of complex and uncomfortable emotions and exploring them with painful realism. In terms of this month's theme, this is the story I think of first when I think of Methos and his 68 wives, because Elinore is one of the most memorable OFCs I've read in Highlander fandom, and the story told about them in the flashbacks always haunts me. The flashbacks here are real and vivid and seamlessly integrated with the modern day story.
Dark eyes fixed on the floor, she nodded, one tear trailing down her face. She brushed it away, leaving another trail of flour. "If you--" She took a deep breath. "We can--"
He pulled her in and held her close, her head tucked into his shoulder "Shh... Stop that. I'll never force you, either, you know that." Inwardly he cursed himself for pushing her limits. He hadn't married her for love, but her earnest attempts to please him were endearing in their own way. Methos felt a very real affection for her, tough little survivor that she was, and he had known too many women in her situation not to understand. He'd been there himself more than once. Brutalized and broken, finding strength, survival, only in the ability to yield, to surrender to fate without shattering further.
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