Title: Worlds Apart
Author: Fenris (don't know an LJ name)
Pairing: Diana Trent, Methos; D/M mentioned
Crossover: Highlander/Waiting for God
Why this must be read:
The best opportunity allowed by crossovers is that for conversations between beloved characters from different stories. In Worlds Apart, the pleasure lies not only in the meeting of these two, but also the fitting nature of their talk for the themes of both shows. (Waiting for God is an English sitcom set in an old-age community. The two main characters are Diana Trent, a fierce pirate of a woman facing down age; and Tom Ballard, a mellower soul who has one wheel in a fantasy life.)
The dialogue here and the sense of self is sharp and satisfying for Diana, and that carries the story; Methos doesn't sound like himself to me, but I'm so happy to have them together, I don't quite care. This one stuck with me from the first time I read it, and I'm pleased to say it holds up.
A taste:
Her expression darkened and she frowned at him, eyes narrowing.
"This isn't some sickening Bronte-novel method of ushering me through the Pearly Gates, is it? Sending the spirit of my long-lost true love to ease my way into the white light? I'm not back at the café sitting in my little chair like a pickled herring, dead as a doornail while Harvey grabs some poor nauseated waitress for an impromptu victory tango? Because if that's the case, you little prat," she hissed, "you can just bloody well stick me right back into my tired old carcass for a few more years of mayhem, or you can just point me in the right direction and then bugger off."
Worlds Apart Author's website:
Fenris' Page (Please let me know if you have more current information!)