New Challenge - Quickening

Feb 25, 2008 23:15

Hey out there. We have heard you and are extending the deadlines. From now on we will run two challenges. Each will last 4 weeks but over lap each other every two weeks. That's clear right!

First our Continuing Challenge: Romance, Love, Sex
In order to begin the overlap, we are extending the Romance, Love, Sex Challenge until March 10th. So there is still time to get that smut finished and posted.

Second our New Challenge: Quickening

Since this is a community for Highlander fiction, we thought: What says Highlander more than a good beheading? So pull out those dueling stories or anything that has to do with the fundamental essence of being Immortal. we look forward to your contributions.


You have four weeks to post your responses to the new challenge. The Quickening Challenge will close at midnight EST on Monday, March 24th, 2008.

We accept gen, het, slash and crossover. There is now only a 100 word minimum on story size - drabbles welcome! We hope this will encourage all of you to participate and keep this community active.

For the convenience of your moderators, please don't forget to format your subject line [title], by [author].

REMEMBER: You can post for either challenge until their respective deadlines. The next new challenge will be posted March 10th. As always we are open to suggestions for new prompts. Reply to this post if you have any ideas you want to share

admin, challenge: romancelovesex, challenge: quickening

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