Title: Five Places Alysse Never Took Methos
morgynleri_ficRating: PG
Characters: Alysse, metions of Horatio Caine, Methos, House, Jack Harkness, and Steven Cauldwell.
Other Fandoms: Torchwood, Stargate, CSI: Miami, and House.
Five Places Alysse Never Took Methos
The atoll where she was found was someplace Alysse never took anyone before it sunk beneath the waves. It wasn't that much, but it was her birthplace, and that was something she wasn't willing to share. Though she sometimes thought about it when she dragged Methos off on another trip on the ocean.
She had friends in Cardiff that she wasn't about to share, and especially not with any other Immortals. Really, where else could she find a bloke to shag who wasn't ever going to die on her? Not even if you cut off his head. Though she did wonder what would happen if someone did cut off Jack's head.
The trip to Colorado Springs had involved being too far inland for her tastes, and a nerve-wracking flight on a jet, but it was worth the effort. She'd have to remember to thank Steven for the invite, when she had a chance. This place... She was never going to tell Methos about it. Well, not until she got him here. Atlantis would either freak him out, or geek him out, and either way, she was fairly certain she won.
Miami was beautiful... until she ended waking up in the morgue with the local Watcher holding out a set of scrubs for her to wear. She'd have to find something suitable to send Horatio once she got herself out of this mess. Really, he didn't need to shoot her to get her out of the murder charge after the idiot had Challenged her on the beach. Even if she had shot the other Immortal. Twice. Or was it three times? Either way, it had been her Quickening to claim. Damn Horatio for denying her that.
It wasn't as far from open water as Colorado Springs, but Princeton still wasn't on the water. It did, however, boast a hospital full of young and hopeful doctors she could terrify every once in a while, without more than the effort of spending a day and a half away from her ship, and telling the latest adventure with Methos. After all, how often did one see House laughing?