Aug 05, 2009 15:56
In my attempt to procrastinate on my original work blog more...
I caught up with Naruto Shippuden yesterday. It's back to manga canon, thank goodness. There was one tiny, inane detail that didn't quite sit right with me though. It's in episode 118, when Juugo throws a big rock at a puppy and the terrified dog runs away. It ran away barking. That seems terribly strange to me. I have a dog, and she barks at things, not from things, if that makes sense. She barks when she sees people or other animals, and she barks when she chases after things. Granted, I've never seen her running for her life before, but I doubt she would be barking then. If you're scared, you don't make a ruckus. You get out of there quickly and hide. You don't run away barking your head off. I could be wrong, but that's how it seems to me. Silly anime producers.
Bakuman is great. It gives me guilt trips for not working hard enough. Actually, a lot of shonen sports manga make me feel guilty because they're all about kids pursuing their dreams with everything they have, while I spend months at a time lazing around dreaming. But Bakuman guilt trips more effectively than any of the others because it's about young manga artists. Which is strangely easy to relate to, from the writing field. I suppose because manga is also a highly competitve arena pitting creativity, skill, and hard work, and it involves editors and publishing houses. Anyways. Back to work for me.