it is wayyy 2 early 4 this crap.

Aug 27, 2004 10:03

okay, 1st my cat was meowing so loud this mornin and then after that, a really loud bird was chirping outside and it was then that i knew wut i must do........ i went 2 the window and closed it. @ that time, it was 5:43 (yes, to the minute) and ever since then, i have not been able 2 get one wink of sleep. i tried the classical music thing after i couldn't get a darn song outta my head and new ones jus kept popping up. i even tried praying that the songs wuld get outta my head and i culd get back 2 sleep. ... no such luck. so here i am. and it is my brother's birthday. happy birthday lolo. yay. i'm way tired 4 this. w/e. so i am doing this survey i stole from lisa.

* . . . W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue? tongue
2) be serious or be funny? funny, der
3) drink whole or skim milk? skim

* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*
4) simple or complicated? o, very complicated.

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) flowers or angels? angels, thanx. @ least they can help me when i'm in troubl;e, flowers can only help when i'm sad.
6) grey or gray? gray
7) color or black-and-white photos? i like both
8) lust or love? love
9) sunrise or sunset? sunrise, i guess since ne1 can b awake 4 a sunset, but it has 2 b special 2 b awake durin the sunrise. (except 2 day --stupid bird!)
10) M&Ms or Skittles? skeetles
11) rap or rock? rock, baybee
12) staying up late or waking up early? stayin up late
13) TV or radio? radio
15) eating apples or oranges? apples

* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *
16) Do you have a crush?: Nope. =7 I)
17) Who is it? currently, noone.

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
18) being hot or cold? hot, it's easier to jump in a cold shower than to heat up ur house, room, toes... haha.
19) tall members of the opposite sex? o, def
20) sun or moon? sun
21) emeralds or rubies? emeralds r my birthstone, but both r pretty
22) left or right? right
23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend, man
24) sun or rain? mmm, sun, even tho i like it when it is thunderstormin' out
25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? vanilla
27) green beans or carrots? ugh, i hate both but i like carrots raw, better.
28) low fat or fat free? low fat, nuthin is fat free! hah!

* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? going to hell
30) Kids or no kids? Kids, man
31) Cat or dog? kitty!
32) Half empty or half full? Half full, i don't wanna go hungry!
33) Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? soft cover, cuz u can read them in bed, hehe
35) Newspaper or magazine? mags
36) Sandals or sneakers? sandals n flip-flops, baybee
37) Wonder or amazement? mm... both
38) Red car or white car? white car
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? happy and poor
40) Singing or dancing? both ...@ the same time! lol
41) Hugging or kissing? hugging! hug r 4 evry1!
42) Corduroy or plain? it depends wut ur talkin about. but cords r sooo comfy n warm in tha winter!
43) Happy or sad? Happy, that's a no brainer! i don't care how emo u claim 2 b...
45) Blondes, brunettes? brunettes, hehe

* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
What time is it? 8:29 a.m. y??? o, y???
Nicknames: noe, noel, iggy, izzy, bloody guaze, N-E, spongebob, ozzy, gozzi, nig-a-Z, and i guess n-goz. lol there's too many
Names and ages of siblings? rachel-24, lolo-17, today aku & chichi-13
Pets? jus my kitty, clarice.
Height? 5'7 1/2"
Eye color? brown
Hair color? brown
Piercing(s)? jus ears

* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . .*
Where do you want to live? idk, lots of places i might wanna live... either stay here.. prolly not, or go back 2 WI, or like, sumwhere warm, like cali sumday. idk. sumwhere where i can learn 2 surf sumday, lol (in my dreams.. hahaha)
How many kids do you want? 2 or 3
What kind of job do you want? idk, sumthin 2 do with kids, or with art, or bein creative
Do you want to get married? yessss!

* . . . W H I C H I S B E T T E R . . . *
2 doors or 4 (on a car)? 4
Coffee or ice cream? Ice cream
Shampoo or conditioner? i luuuuuuv conditioner!
Bridges or tunnels? tunnels
One pillow or two? Two

* . . . F A V O R I T E S . . . *
Salad dressing? french
Color of socks? idk, random socks r fun tho i like pink socks, lol
Food? potatoes! but besides my fave veggie, mm... pancakes. cept i've been makin 'em too much lately n i'm kinda sick of 'em
Color? PINK!!
Non-alcoholic drink? pink lemonade

* . . . R A N D O M . . . *
1 MINUTE AGO: i answered sum question up there ^^^
1 DAY AGO: i hung out with jess
1 YEAR AGO: lemme check my old entries... o wait, i was killin myself tryin 2 finish summa reading!! aha! go figure!
I NEED: a job ...badly!
Current Clothes: CBC t-shirt and blue striped pajama pants
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Brand New
Current Taste: my own saliva
Current Hair: crappy, 3 day curls in a ponytail
Current Annoyance: my sister's flute over my headphones....
Current Smell: nuthin
Current thing I should be Doing: sleeping, this is abnormal teen behavior in the summer!
Current Desktop Picture: my grandfather
Current Favorite Show: er.. the days and knock first and no, not cuzza that.
Current Book: ugh, do we hafta go there... poisonwood bible and survival in auschwitz
Current Movie In DVD: hahaha.... osouafia in london... it's this nigerian weirdo guy and it's like, exactly like my dad!!! omg, evry1 shuld come over 2 my house and watch it and u'll no wut my dad is like!!! ahahaha! i was forced 2 watch it last night, lol
Current Refreshment: um, idk, but i think i'm bout 2 get sum pink lemonade.

Opposite Sex
||1|| Guitar or Drum Player - ooh, yea, drum players, baybee! but yeah, guitarists r hott 2.
||2|| Skater or Surfer - there is no deciding here, psht! skaters n surfers r both undeniably hott!
||3|| Brown or Blue Eyes - blue eyes, but i don't really mind brown
||4|| Blonde or Brunette - both
||5|| Brains or Looks (Be honest!) - brains! i ain't takin no airhead jock-types, thanx! n plus, u gotta have brains 2 skatboard, surf, play drums or guitar, so hey, brains, thanx, haha.

Same Sex
||6|| Tease or Slut - neither
||7|| Blonde or Brunette - both
||8|| Brown or Blue - brown or blue what?? i shuld hope they r sum shade of brown, or i wuld b a lil worried...
||10|| Actress or Singer - idk, actress

Food -
||11|| Cheeseburger or Hotdog - cheeseburger
||12|| Pie or Cake - cake!!
||13|| Apple or Banana - i like opples and bano-nos! lol, haha apple. bananas always bring fruit flies.
||14|| Coke or Pepsi - coke
||15|| Chicken or Beef - chicken
||16|| Oreos or Chips Ahoy - oreos
||17|| Pancakes or Waffles - pancakes!!
||18|| Chocolate or Vanilla - vanilla
||19|| Strawberry or Cherry - strawberry
||20|| Watermelon or Cantaloupe - Watermelon
||21|| Potato or Macaroni Salad - POTATO!!!
||22|| Wheat or White - white
||23|| Tic Tacs or Altoids - altoids - tictacs.. orange tic-tacs rawk my sawx!
||24|| Sausage or Bacon - both
||25|| Sour Cream and Chives or BBQ- bbq, i've never had chives, so idk. but othawise jus sour cream and onion

Sports -
||26|| Baseball or Football - Football!
||27|| Swim or Track - swim
||28|| Tennis or Golf - Tennis! o, i wanna get a new racket! i wanna go 2 the courts soooo bad all the time now!
||29|| Skiing or Sledding - sledding, ne day, baybee!
||30|| Bicycling or Jogging - bicycling!

Stores/Restaurants -
||31|| McDonalds or Burger King - mickey D's
||32|| JC Penny's or Sears - neither
||33|| Walmart or Target - both
||34|| Trophy's or TGI Fridays - TGI Friday's ...wth is trophy's??
||35|| Albertson's or Vons - Van's. wth r Albertson's?

Clothes -
||36|| Pants or Shorts - pants, ugh, i hate wearin shorts. they're wicked annoying.
||36|| Zip-Up or Pull-Over Sweatshirt - both
||37|| Dresses or Skirts - both = )
||38|| Mittens or Gloves - mittens knitted from gramma and gloves 4 makin snowmen and snowforts! = ) P
||40|| Ball cap or Beanie - both, i like hats!

Names -
||41|| Bob or Bill - Bob
||42|| Jessica or Jennifer - Jess
||43|| Aaron or Erin - Aaron
||44|| Carrie or Kari - Carrie
||45|| Todd or Tom - Tom
||46|| Lynn or Lee- Lee
||47|| Sarah or Susie - Sarah
||48|| Jack or John - Jack, idk!
||49|| Lisa or Linda - Lisa

Music -
||51|| Punk or Rock - both
||52|| Country or Bubble Gum Pop - haha, bubble gum pop hahahaha
||53|| Rap or Techno - neither
||54|| Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera - neither
||55|| *N Sync or Backstreet Boys - eh, *Nsync
||56|| Korn or Staind - staind
||57|| Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park - LINKIN PARK!!!! woop woop!
||58|| Guitar or Drums - drums, baybee!
||59|| Piano or Violin - piano

TV -
||61|| Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven - 7th Heavem
||62|| Angel or Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Buffy
||63|| Law and Order or The Practice - neither
||64|| Spy TV or Candid Camera - candid camera, idk i neva watched Spy TV
||65|| Smallville or Charmed - i like charmed, but tom welling is gor-G-us!

Cinema -
||66|| Bruce Willis or Kevin Costner - Bruce Willis
||67|| Jennifer Love Hewitt or Neve Campbell - Jennifer Love Hewitt
||68|| Aladdin or Lion King - awe, both, i can't choose!
||69|| Snow White or Sleeping Beauty - both
||70|| Comedy or Drama - both
||71|| Horror or Science Fiction - Horror
||72|| Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer - Scream
||73|| Not Another Teen Movie or Scary Movie - scary movie
||74|| Titanic or Pearl Harbor - Titanic, i never saw pearl harbor. kill me.
||75|| The Mask or Ace Ventura - Ace Ventura

Computer/Video Games -
||76|| AOL or MSN - MSN
||77|| Dogpile or Google - Google
||78|| Mac or PC - PC
||79|| PS2 or N64 - N64
||80|| Mario Brothers or Zelda - Mario Brothers!!! woop woop!

School -
||81|| Pen or Pencil- pen
||82|| English or History - English, baybee
||83|| Math or Science - o yea, i hate both! neither
||84|| Home Economics or Woodshop - BOTH, baybee!!!
||85|| Backpack or Messenger Bag -backoack
Animals -
||86|| Cat or Dog - kitty!
||87|| Fish or Hamster - fish, i'm less scared of them in their little tanks, lol
||88|| Tiger or Lion - that's tough... but i jus went 2 this website the otha day n saw a liger... haha! it's a mix, and yes, it duz exist, lol
||89|| Butterfly or Lady Bug - lady bugs, i luv that movie
||90|| Seals or Otters - idk, both r cute tho

Products -
||91|| Tide or Gain - tide
||92|| Herbal Essences or Suave - both
||93|| Dove or Irish Spring - dove
||94|| A-JAX or 409 - 409

Other -
||96|| John Saul or Steven King - stephen king, cept idk who the other guy is.
||97|| Chocolate or Roses - roses won't make me fat, haha
||98|| Toyota or Ford - ford
||99|| Paper or Plastic - plastic
||100|| Necklace or Bracelet- necklace

i think it's about nap time, now. yea. that'll b all 4 now, kiddies.

Ciao 4 Now, Love, Ngozi
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