Dec 20, 2004 17:22
I've had it with this entire state. I've had it with the entire north for that matter. Anyone who would WANT to live in a climate like this is either mentally retarded or needs careful observation. How is it that in the year 2004 in this country, it is still possible to be killed by the environment in highly populated areas? The weather kills hundreds of people every winter. Last winter I slipped on the ice and hit my head, lost 98 percent of the muscle control in my face, got a brain infection, brain damage, and a messed up back. By the sheer grace of God, the muscle control came back but I still have back problems and I dont remember things that well anymore. Today, getting out of my truck I fell and nearly broke my arm in a parking lot.
You cant change the weather but how is it possible that people still havent figured out a way to deal with it. To this day throwing salt on the road is still the best way to keep ice under control? It sure does rust out the underside of your vehicle quite nicely. Then of course after the ice is slighyly melted by the salt, it refreezes into a nice smooth sheet and makes wheel traction a random event.
Today I noticed that a lot of the street signs could not be read because they were coated in ice. This was in the afternoon. Why has no one with the city or county cleared them off? It snowed last night, its been nearly 20 hours since then. So I guess if you dont happen to live on any particular road you might be looking for, T.S. Thats pretty much the sentiment of the local government here. At least twice a week the only main highway here is backed up for miles and usually shut down in sections because ther WAS an accident buy there is currently a fire truck or police car parked in the middle of the road while the overpaid donut sucking union slug driving it fills out paperwork. Im from Florida originally and its a LAW there that when an accident occurs all vehicles involved and emergency vehicles as well must be moved off of the road ASAP unless someone is badly injured. And in those cases a cop will always set up a tapered thru-way a hundred feet back or so and let people know they need to move over. The morons up here dont even keep their lights on as they are sitting in the middle of the road stacking up chaos planning the next union strike to get a green cookie on St. Patrick's day.
Its so bad now that today I needed to go 4 places all within 2 miles of each other and it took me more than an hour just to get between them and i was only able to park and actually go into to 2 of them, and there was no accident, just people "driving." Not a day goes by here I dont see several people break 4 or 5 traffic laws in about 1 mile of road. Today a woman made a left turn in a no left turn median in front of 4 lanes of on-comming trafific, myself included, narrowly avoiding getting T-boned by all four lanes. I only managed to avoid hitting her because I was the the only one not speeding. If I had been going the same speed as the maniacs in the other 3 lanes, she would be dead right now and I would be sitting in my truck waiting for the cop in the middle of the road to finnish his report right now watching him lick the icing off his fingers from another union donut.