You still have time to buy the right to order me around!
In other news, my writing group is going to conflict with my total spazball excitement over the last season of LOST, and also with the new Lauren Graham/Peter Krause show (where
donnagirl informs me they play siblings - WHY, UNIVERSE, WHY?) and so I am very much considering leaving if we don't change the day. And also maybe if we do. This group was my big social push of last year, but I find I don't really look forward to it. It's such a pain to have to stay in town and meet somewhere and then figure out a way home.
Then again, if I leave it, I will literally see no one but my family, my clients and the guy at the comic book store day in and day out, possibly forever.
There's always the chance I'll go insane, lie about my age and send in an audition for Glee. I can totally pass for aged 16-26. Actually, I can pretty much pass for the lower end of that age range.
Go ahead, be jealous ;)
Just remember that it also means I got carded once buying *matches*. And oh, I didn't have ID that time. So I was refused *matches*. I said, "Gee, I will just have to find another way to LIGHT SOME TEALIGHTS," and the whole line-up behind me cracked up. Seriously. Matches. IDEK.