Let's distract ourselves with minutiae!
Stolen from
annalazarus: Name any story I've written, and any character in it, canon or OC. I'll tell you three things about that character that I didn't put in the story.
I have seen this one a bunch of times but I've always been afraid to do it, for some reason. Also - any length story will do.
fic tag
1. Meg Ryan is his role model. He was raised my his mom and 3 older sisters, so he's seen every one of her movies a hundred times, and she's his personal hair-speration, not so much in terms of look, because he's not a chick with a choppy bob, but in terms of attitude, because man, that woman's hair is PERFECTION and Mark would love to have that kind of effortless style. He met her once at LAX. She had plane hair and it was still the most divine moment of his life. He totally forgot to film and instead he got really close and just stared, and when she (and her security) noticed him, he said, "omigodomigodomigodomigod I love you you're my favourite I will always remember this date MEG RYAN OH GOD MEG RYAN" and he kind of started shaking and crying, but she was nice about it and she even gave him a little hug. Because she is the greatest human alive. And yeah, he remembers the date.
2. He really isn't as shallow as he seems. He grew up wanting to help people and he even worked as a 911 dispatcher for a week. He did a good job, too, but he spent all of the Saturday after that first week sick to his stomach from the stress. He's a very sensitive boy. His boss fired him halfway through the next week, for his own good.
3. His favourite band since high school has been Heart. He knows all the words to These Dreams, it's his karaoke song, and he could sing it in his sleep. In fact, he once had a dream he was singing it on a cruise ship to the moon. And he came really close to quitting TMZ the one time they ran a Heart story and someone made a fat joke about Nancy Wilson. REAAAALLY close.
4. After the whole Jensen debacle, he takes his mind off things by starting a secret intra-office affair with Randy, the smiley long-haired blond guy from TMZ. Which is then exposed by a member of their own staff during a rundown meeting. TMZ goes cannibalistic and eventually implodes, causing Mark and Randy to lose their jobs. Randy goes on to host a popular teen documentary show about surfer culture. Mark, thrilled by his boyfriend's sudden success, spends most days hanging out nearby on the boardwalk, drawing portraits for a pay-what-you-can donation.
Vin, hmmm... Vin's harder ;)
1. Contrary to what Jensen thought, Vin was not trying to seduce Jared away from him in any way. As a matter of fact, Vin Diesel considers himself asexual, having never placed much importance on sexual relationships, or even romantic relationships of any kind. He's much prefer to be alone. Lately, his solo hobbies include making animals out of marzipan, playing the theremin and spinning his own yarn.
2. He really liked Chuck Norris until the internet decided Vin needed to be REPLACED by Chuck. What the fuck, internet? Was Vin not good enough for you? He got introduced to Chuck Norris at some function once and Chuck Norris was like, "You wanna arm wrestle?" and Vin was like, "No?" and then he pretended to get a call on his cell. It's one of his most shameful memories.
3. He's kind of glad Jared bowed out of the movie, because, although he'd never admit and would NEVER have tried to manipulate anyone to recast the role or anything... his masculinity was feeling kinda threatened. Just a little. Maybe. Tiny smidgen of threateningness.
This was fun! I wanna play some more! :D
okay, then, that the end of the world fic, Tiny Cities Made of Ashes, (that is so, so good, I think about it often)... tell me about Chris and Steve. or Chad, your choice =D
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