Spent some of the morning checking out the
AFI's 10 Top 10, and as much as I love watching Hollywood types fawn all over each other, I have come away with the following sentiment.
If there's one thing I'm unimpressed with, it's the easily classifiable. I get that that was sort of the point of this project in the first place, but after going through the whole thing, I'm just a little exasperated.
Also, there was no horror list. BOO.
Ages ago,
minkandensetsu did this meme and gave me an S:
1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.
SO HARD to narrow it down to 5 songs. Which is crazy, because I got an L once and couldn't find 5 L songs to rub together. Anyway, uh. Here's 5 with 3 extra.
Sugarcube - Yo La Tengo2.
Speak Low (Bent Remix) - Billie Holiday3.
Sister Ray - Velvet Underground4.
Sun, Moon, Stars - Mos Def5.
Summer Teeth - Wilco6.
Shut Up And Let Me Go - The Ting Tings (yes, from the iPod commercial, although I would much rather have put up one of their non-S songs!)
Straight To Hell (live Clash cover) - Danny Michel8.
Smoke - Ben Folds Five You'll find they sound kind of good in a playlist, because I spent a lot of time matching up the intros/outros. Because, well, I'm a procrastinating machine.