Oh, Office, I missed you so!

Apr 10, 2008 22:40

OMG, THE CRAZY. Jan fucking terrifies me to the point where I feel kinda disturbed when we get her large doses. Poor Michael! Sleeping at the foot of the bed like a dog! Getting vasectomied and un-vasectomied and re-vasectomied! Referring to his own employees as "my rich friends". Ohhh, Mike :(

It's getting to the point where I think *I* would make a better girlfriend for Michael than Jan. Which is a very scary point to be at. I'm just saying. At least I would find the running through the glass door because he thought he heard the ice cream truck incident adoooorable. He needs, like, a preschool teacher. For special ed kids. Also, he needs his condo kid-proofed, regardless of whether he ever has kids.

Pam, I missed you so! Someone on the discussion thread said they thought her whispered asides and WTF glances to Jim were too mean. I so don't get that. She's so funny, and she knows it, and sometimes that's all she's got, and she knows that, too. And I loved her forcing Jim to stay. Damn right!

HUNTER omg. They need to make that song downloadable.

TUNA. "I bet you have tuna every night." ANDYYY. Ed Helms, I still wanna sex you up.

Aaaaangela. "Sometimes I think she holds onto faxes." NEVER CHANGE. Or, wait, change just enough to get back together with Dwight.

Which: OMG did you SEE Jim and Pam's delighted faces when Dwight showed up? He's like their pet, I swear! Just full-on glee, I love it.


Michael has Buster Bluth's hand chair!

Ugh, Jan and her candles make me shudder. Although her trying to glue the Dundee back together was pretty cute. She's trying, she's just clinically insane.



I have this crazy urge to rank all the Office peeps in order of most to least dateable. Apparently I have turned into Cosmo magazine while I wasn't paying attention. My #1 is PAAAM. And then probably Dwight. Darryl's up there, too. This episode needed some Darryl time. He could have, uh. Delivered something. I dunno. <3

idiot box, the office, so much glee

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