randomness and big bang talk

Mar 22, 2008 03:41

I got the most sexist phone spam today. It was one of those pre-programmed messages, so you have to wait like twenty seconds and then it's all "sorry we missed you!" - god, what fucking tools these phone people are, but anyway, the thing starts out asking for "the lady of the house" and then goes on to talk about some sort of interior design certificate it wants you to sign up for.

I, like, yelled at the phone. And then listened to the whole message because I wanted to see if there was a website I could email complaints to, but alas, there was not.

So, I had this big bang idea (from Jules), and I'd still like to write it, but purestvixen gave me another one, and now I'm at a crossroads. The thing is, both of these are simply premises - I'm apparently great at coming up with setups (or, er, fleshing out other people's) but not so good at thinking up conflict and resolution, so - which one of these do you think will yield 20,000 words more easily:


premise beach, feel my wrath, so that happened, bigbang, comment box

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