Good: Yuletide fic is more than half done!
Bad: I kind of hated it with a passion and felt it was totally OOC until just now, when I did a dramatic reading of it and actually kind of enjoyed it. This just means I am suffering from some severe lack of focus, which is making me unable to reread my work properly. Oh, well.
Good: Pushing Daisies was new tonight! And stuff happened! It's always odd when a show that fluffy has some sort of story arc, but they're trying, and I like it!
Bad: No more happy pie show for a while.
This video and the resulting chat with Angela about how yes, obviously, Jared has seen it (because he sees every funny internet vid before we do) and has incorporated it into his sex life with hilarious results.
Bad: Job stuff which I won't get into.
The Something Store, where you pay $10 and get a completely random object in the mail.
Bad: They only deliver to the states.
Good: Flirtation with boy possibly evolving into more, spurred in part by changing job and life situations.
Bad: He's a boy.
Good: New SPN tomorrow!!!
Bad: N/A, motherfuckers!