Yuletide thoughts & letter to my Yuletide writer

Nov 03, 2006 11:09

I have received my assignment, and am in awe. Because it's nothing I would have ever set out to write on my own, but when you think about it, it fits me like a damn glove. I am so filled with squee right now! Must go out and purchase source material, pronto!

My recipient's LJ has almost no posts in it. This worries me, but then again the request pleases me so much that I don't really care if I don't get to stalk this person 24/7 ;)

To my own writer:

Hi, and welcome!

I apologize for any and all panic you may be experiencing at the moment. Please be advised that you are an absolutely awesome person for doing this.

About the requests, I'm pretty easygoing as far as fic is concerned. As long as it's true to the characters, I'm ok with pretty much anything, so if my prompts don't do it for you, feel free to experiment with them. I should tell you, I'm not a big fan of mpreg or anything else too, um, magical. I adore snark (as is probably obvious from my choice of fandoms to begin with) and would probably pick good, in-character dialogue over a lot of description any day.

Mostly, I hope you enjoy yourself. In fact, I'll say this now: please do whatever you can to ensure your own enjoyment, even if it goes against what I've said above. I assure you, I will be able to tell if you were miserable during the production of my story! ;)

Much love and copious thanks,


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