Title: Pennies From Heaven
Series: Stardust (and other possible impossibilities)
Characters: Eventual Jack/Sawyer (duh), Christian, various other cast members popping up incongruously
Summary: Sawyer meets a couple of newcomers to the carnival trade and attempts to make them feel welcome... sort of.
fanfic100 50. spade and
psych_30 6. Inferiority complex.
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Comments 22
Can't wait for that hot, sweaty trailer sex. ;)
Thanks, glad you like it! I can't believe it's my first AU, seems a bit weird to admit that. :)
ah, Christian. even before he spoke, he was perfect. you really write him well. And Sawyer, Jack and even Kate were spot on.
“What is it exactly that you do around here, Mr. Sawyer?”
Sawyer smiles. It always tickles him when someone calls him 'mister'. It never lasts.
“You mean, besides the occasional friendly game of cards?”
“Besides the occasional swindle,” Jack corrects him.
“I do whatever needs doin',” Sawyer says.
I'm loving this. ♥ ♥
Thanks, I'm really happy you think Christian was okay. I've been iffy on writing him (obviously, or my psych_30 claim would be much further along than it is), so that puts me at ease.
Jack being a dick about the cards and Christian being a dick in general and Sawyer just being Sawyer, they all fit perfectly into this world you've created and I can't wait for more!
Glad you liked it! *MUAH*
This? Is awesome. That's pretty much all I'm capable right now because I'm all fangirly over the fact that you took The Mango Scene and made it into an AU version so easily. And the dedication is completely unneccessary, LOL. But still, ♥ as always. More plz.
Yay, and I'm so happy you liked it! Now I can get back to working on it, hehe ;)
Look, coherency! I also love the way you worked in the slang, how you explained it later in that paragraph so that I never even paused to go, "what?". SO GOOD. I'm so blessed to be able to see it first too, hee!
Less coherent? EEE! I so love the carnies! Hot sexy slashy carnies finding their groove with one another! ♥ for days (well, forever, really, just don't wanna sound crazy!). *smooch*
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