First off, I was fed the greatest of food by con staff. I busted my ass for them this year, and they seemed to appreciate it. All signs point to be getting a staff badge next year. (Woo metal! Rawk!)
Saw wolf there, but I didn't have so much as half-a-second to stop as things were wrapping up. Didn't mean to be rude, wolf, but between Rae and the con shutdown, I was fairly well divided. Who was the girl you were getting all comfortable with?
The show fell apart like always. Which was perfect. People seemed to be all about the ensuing calamity.
And Rae. Man.... Rae.
We were flirting heavily for the whole weekend, but... Shit, last night was amazing. I am satisfied on so many levels. And she ended up confessing that she's had a crush on me since grade nine.
All I had to do to get that out of her was act like a total man for her.
...This is full of win. Either I've earned positive karma, or I'm going to suffer a backlash, but this weekend was exactly what I needed. I've become everything that I've desired in myself.
Now I just have to keep it up. ^^