Jun 22, 2007 15:32
- I have either not gotten a full-blown cold since I got my MacBook last July or I haven't used it while I was sick. The former is a lot more likely because, before the battery died, I was on the bloody thing every free second it was within arms reach. Which is probably why the battery died.
- I never touch the doorknob on the outside of the downstairs bathroom door. I might touch the one on the upstairs bathroom door, but I don't think so.
- Whenever someone calls AB 'All-ton' I automatically say 'Al-ton' out loud, correcting them whether they are standing next to me or on television where they have no chance of hearing me.
- When I'm bored and sick and on my MacBook and I've nothing better to do, I look up random stuff like surname meanings and origins. I also decided to try out the 'instant getification' search engine on ask.com from those annoying commercials with the thousand Kato Kaelins. Apparently, 'Victor Garber married' and 'Alan Rickman married' are top searches for each actor and 'Rima Horton' shows up as a related name. For both of them. WTH?
- Throughout high school, I always had a cold for finals week. I've gotten uncomfortably used to summer colds. I also always have a cold on Oscar night, since sixth grade. Maybe fifth.
- Sudafed is pleasant if you don't count the sucking-all-the-water-from-every-cell-in-your-entire-body feeling. It beats not being able to sleep sitting up but not being able to breath laying down.
- My cat misses me when I lock myself in my room for hours on end. He waits for me outside my door and yells at me when I come out. 'No, kitty, I'm going to the bathroom, leave me alone. My brain is dehydrated, I can't deal with you right now.'
- I've gone through my case of Aquafina trying to compensate for the Sudafedehydration, which doesn't make for very long stretches of sleep, which Simba can attest to.
- I blew my nose while staring at an empty shelf on my wall, wondering what used to be on it. Then I remembered. My tissue box.
- I woke up yesterday to someone saying something very loudly right next to my ear, don't remember what. I promptly realized I'm losing my mind and a dreamed someone saying something loud enough to wake me up.
victor garber,
alan rickman,