Sep 17, 2006 23:00
Today was a shitty day.
It started out great. Then slowly turned shitty. Little by little. It ended shittly, so thats whats freshest in my mind, which is why I say I had a shitty day. If it started out shitty, then turned great, this entry probably woulda been different.
But its not.
Ever had a day, that started out with minor shit? Like maybe a fart here and there? Then soon the farts turn into rosebuds, then turds, and then to top off your shitty day, the grand master king of dooky just lands in ur lap.
I cannot even begin to belive I just used a poop analogy to describe my day.
But like I said before, it started out great. Then I kept getting bothered. Annoyed. Ticked.
Went to the mall. Cus yea, Ive never been there before. And that was loaaaaads of fun. Came home, couldnt find my stuff. Mom nags me about a haircut. Already. When two weeks ago I looked like a poster for the Jimmy Fund. The only hair that Ill cut on my body right now is the hair around my peepee. Thats it. So you can bite me lady.
On top of that, she did something with my laptop bag thingy, and didnt remember. So I spent 392043920 amount of wasted ime looking for that. Then I couldnt find my telefone charger. And they (the rents) kept tryin to convince me that I didnt bring it. Which Im almost positive that I did. But yea, I didnt wanna waste any more time, so i took their word and hopped in the car so I could get the hell back to Chestnut Hill.
I had to read some story by Jamaica Kincaid about some fucking dress that she wore 39390 years ago. And I didnt care about the dress. Or the story. And I just wanted to punch Jamiaca Kincaid in the face cus I was alredy annoyed.
I ended up falling asleep, cus I didnt sleep well last nite.
So I get to campus and lo and behold. I dont have my ID. Wonder-fucking-tastic-ful. Wanna know what a BC ID does? Well dears, it is essentially your key to buildings, as well as your ticket to your meal plan. So guess who has no key? And no meal plan? aka no FOOD. :(
So Im sitting outsideof my building. With my backpack. And my laptop. And I waited. Weeeeeeeee.
Some girl was on the inside and let me in. Thank you God.
So I get changed outta my jeans, and put on some athletic pants, cus I have a dance audition to go to. A hip-hop dance audition. I always wanted to be one of those guys in those music videos so I figured what the hey, Ill give it a shot.
So im in my athletic pants, and hop into the car, cus the rents said they would take me to where I needed to be. Cool stuffs. So they let me off at the main gate, and I run to the sign for the group, so I could know what building to go to.
The signs not there.
Greaaaat. So all I could do was take a guess as to where it would be. (It was an educated guess. It was a hypothesis) But anyways, I was right. Yay.
"Come back in 20 minutes." What??!!?! Yes. I had to come back in 20 minutes. Like, wtf. I live as far away from this building as humanly possible to still live on campus, Im not goin back to my room asshats. To kill time, I went to the dining hall nearby, cus I figured I could get a water or something, and pay for it outta my pocket. I mean, I can spare 1 dollar for Dasani water.
Try $2.00. Now I know a dollar diffeernce sounds petty. But fuck. This day was snowballing. Little things like that were setting me off.
To kill more time, I went to the potty. And the toilet seat cover thingy slipped off. So my skin made contact with the toilet. Which Im still grossed out about. So to top everything off, I was expecting Chlamydia sometime soon. My right thigh has already started burning. Gotta end your days with STDs of course.
But the day wasnt over anyways. I get back at my scheduled time. And they go over the routine. And theres this one part I ALWAYS FUCKED UP. And outta the crowd of people there, there was only like 4 guys. Including me. And all these little chicas had everything perfect and wee life is awesome and FUCK YOU.
To audition, you the dance routine with a coupla other people. In 2 lines. Once in the front, once in the back.
When i auditoned, I screwed up completely. The first time I danced, I didnt even finish the routine. The second time, I still screwed it up, even tho I finished.
So now Im pretty much waiting for the big rejection stamp to knock on my forehead to tell me that not only can I not sing, but I cant dance either. I guess the only thing left is foe me to screw an acting audition too. And after I do that I can officially deem myself a failure! : )
After i get out, after nearly 2-3 hours of dancing, Im sweaty, Im tired, my back hurts....and my fone is dying so I can barely even talk. Why do i need to talk? Cus I hafta walk down some dark ass street, to get to a bus stop, to go back to my room. But because the world LOVES me today, there was a bus pulling up right behind me, so in order for me to make it, I had to haul my exhausted ass to the bustop. Fast.
When I get back to my room, I learn that the roomie lets someone borrow my Soul Calibur III game..................
WhaT??!?!? Is that even legal? Is he allowed to do that? Like seriously.
All I had to look forward to was the lovely shower I took, and the bed that I will go to in a bit.
I also just remembered that I have a Japanese quiz to study for. Bloody HELL.
Today is one of those days where your just like "I quit. Send this bitch into autopilot. Take the wheel and let me retire." I just wanted to not be around. Anything. Ugh. I need a break like that. Just thinking of everything gets me so upset I just arrrrrrrgh.
I need to study before I PMS all over the place and cry or whine or something.