Jan 09, 2012 19:17
A bit of writing advice I was given once is that the single most integral thing you have to know about your character is what they really, truly, want in life. There's always something, no matter how powerful a character may be, how wealthy, or how established in their field, career, personal relationships, or family. A character who has no want is dead on the page, merely a supporting character in someone else's story.
So. What's your character want?
Haylee would like for her sire to be back in normal, physical form, rather than in her head. It's a pretty big issue with her. She'd rather have him stuck in her head than not have him around at all, but she's worried that he's making her crazier.
She's also partially worried about the fact that she doesn't know whether she's just starting to suffer from schizophrenia or if he's real. SY insists that he's real and now he's just stuck in her head rather than in his body, but don't the voices in your head always say that?
char: Andrei ‘Sy’ Narkov,
char: haylee james,