Aaaand we're back. This is a little overdue, but, here are the holidays in review. Christmas really started back when I came home from work last month to a mysterious package. The return address was cryptically nothing more than "Alan". (Not quite MR. CHN, but close.) I opened up the box, and beheld what very well may be the most awesometastic present in the history of ever:
Armed to the teeth and fully-poseable. And that was when I knew that my true benefactor was in fact our benevolent overlord,
hj1! All hail
hj1! May she reign forever and ever, amen! Stay tuned for Doggett's adventures, coming soon to an LJ near you.
So, for Christmas: went home, hung with sisters, went out & got drunk & did karaoke (ROCKED "It's Raining Men" with sister #2), miraculously finished my shopping, hung with my sisters some more...lots of good quality family time. Christmas haul was excellent this year! Got Hugh Laurie's book
The Gun Seller (so awesome), and the book with
the longest name ever (also so awesome), plus assorted clothes, music, fashionable belts, etc. And! Season 1 of SGA! Courtesy of
canis_m, who rocks like a rocking thing!
New Year's was soopa doopa fun, chillin' in Florida with Mulder & Scully (see previous entries). Oh, and
canis_m. We saw fireworks, and wandered the streets of Naples, and watched the principle of the local high school jam out on his synthesizer, and were treated to fake snow gushing from every streetlight. Then we went home and got drunk on champagne and watched the neighbors shoot off their own fireworks. And we danced! Danced as we never had before! For the amusement of
canis_m's parents! And a good time was had by all.
In other news, why yes, I have been spending every free second of my time in front of my computer for the last week and a half, why do you ask? Nellie & I are all caught up on SGA now, and we've watched enough of the newest season of SG-1 to decide that SG-1 without Jack is no kinda SG-1. It was awesome through 8 whole seasons, which is an amazing accomplishment, but now that the fearsome foursome have disbanded, I am transferring all my rabid fannish attention to SGA.
The McShep continues to eat my brain ohgod, and last weekend I spent literally the entire two days reading fic from the archives of
sga_flashfic (seriously, I didn't leave the house at all), particularly the
Harlequin challenge. One of my favorites = The Princess Bride parody,
The Physicist Bride. So brilliant.
This weekend I am being social, though. On the menu for tonight: Reel Big Fish concert. Yay!