Went & saw ickle Harry Potter this evening, and liked it. Not as much as POA, but still. And you know, I didn't think it was possible for those kids to still be so cute, but, well. They are. Oh, and in line, there was a girl dressed up like Hermione and a group of kids stretched out on the ground coloring on t-shirts with fabric markers so they read "I LOVE HARRY" with hearts all over. Awesome.
Typical winter week: some bird banding, some butterfly-counting. Also, a day of habitat restoration. And by that I mean "ripping hundreds of feet of old irrigation tubing out of the ground while tromping through thistles and poison hemlock". I'm still picking thistle spines out of my arms & legs. But the weather? She is beautiful! Record-breaking heat, in fact. 80 degrees in November! Mwhahaha!
I must squee about House. Because OMG those writers just keeeeep dishing out the subtext. And it's beautiful. For instance, this week, when Wilson was talking to whiny Cameron about how she needs to just get over her perceived infidelity to her dead husband, he tells her about the affair he had:
Wilson: Well, my wife wasn't dying. She wasn't even sick. Everything was fine. But I met someone who...who made me feel... funny. Good. And... I didn't want to let that feeling go.
HOUSE! He's totally talking about House OMG note the lack of a pronoun OMG no seriously it's totally House SHUT UP IT SO IS. I mean, after last week what with House asking Wilson over for dinner repeatedly and telling him that unlike Wilson's wife, House could make a dinner date worth his while...yeah. *loves*