Gah. I have no time for anything! No time to post, no time to comment, no time to e-mail, no time for phone calls. Work is still punishing me for being gone so long, and my social life (such as it is) is keeping me from my precious internets. No, Australia pictures have not been uploaded yet. This weekend, I hope. Anyway, allow me to sum up:
Spring migration is underway, which means birdsbirdsbirdsyaaay! We're back to banding 5 days a week again, which is of the good, but I'm also back to waking up at 4:30 AM, which is of the SO NOT GOOD. I'm drowning in preparations for our big upcoming workshop and our big upcoming fundraiser, but at least I have pretty birds to play with.
House is still my favorite show, and Hugh Laurie is still God, but recent Chase plot development = WEAK. And why do they always hafta bring in the mean authoritative black guy? Why does there hafta be a mean authoritavive anybody? Can't we all just get along? The parallels with XF are growing ever-stronger. Good news: last week's episode involving sexxy red car has resulted in car porn fic! And the fangirls deliver!
You may hate your job, but at least (unlike my sister) you don't work at FOX where your co-worker is a confessed statutory rapist who got off scot-free despite the fact that the jury actually thought he was guilty. And oh yeah, he's a bishop at his storefront church, The New Beginning Outreach Love Center. I so wish I was making that up,
but I'm not. Note to self: I love my job, I love my job, I love my job...
Speaking of love, much love to
canis_m for the new my00sik (and that one song, which you know that I'm talking about, you SICK PUPPY). And how's the MegaWellCon fst coming,
peak_in_darien, send me your address, kthx!
Edited so that I'm no longer talking to myself. By myself, talking to myself. That's chaos theory.