Aug 31, 2005 01:49
"The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made."
-Psalm 145:8-9
Do we fully understand this facet of love? "Slow to anger and rich in love." To be rich in love; to overflow as a fountain with the pure sweetness that encompasses love...we can not fully fathom. To wrap your mind around the reality that God is love is yet an impossible feat. No matter of our feelings or retreating faith, He is there, waiting with arms wide open and yearning for you to passionately pursue His beauty. love...I think part of the reason why it is such an elusive mystery is because it longs for adventure; for mystery itself. This expedition of life should be nothing less than an adventure. It is what we were created for, to explore the farthest regions of love, and love in its entirety, namely, Christ. It is inside this search that you fully live the "best possible way", as Rob Bell says. He desires this for you: live fully present in each moment. To be aware of what God is revealing to you each day is essential to this movement. As each dawn turns over the night, a fresh and new journey is waiting in the wings for us, full of beauty that He is anxiously craving to unveil. It is through this, through His ultimate and intimate affection for us, that leaves me captivated. No matter how far I run and how aggressively I slap Him in the face, He is there and is still fully in love with every piece of me. How thankful and undeserving I am of His unfailing love and his abated anger! That is my Hero, the name and call that I fight under! He is my Jehovah-Nissi -- "The Lord is my banner!"
Love always has and forever will. And most intimately, it wins each time that my Father holds me tight in His authentically loving arms. He has given rest to my weary heart.
"Who am I that You'd die for me?"
-Cool Hand Luke, "Sequence #3"
May Love Be Your Anthem-
~Stay Strong~