Nov 04, 2004 13:29
Let me tell you what He did for me, with the weight of my worries tearing my sleeve. I cried to my Father, the end of all hope; "Show me the rope, which way to go." As I fell asleep, He took away my worries. He picked me up put me on His shoulders. I could see for miles. He showed me that the mountain I'm climbing is not a mountain at all, but a gentle slope leading home. There are mountains towering ahead. He says to me, "These are mine. Hold my hand, you'll be fine" I could see for miles. He showed me that the mountain I'm climbing is not a mountain at all, but a gentle slope leading home. The mountains are mine, the mountains are mine, the mountains are mine.
-from the Lord through Cool Hand Luke...
What are your mountains? Lets be honest here for a moment...we all have things in our lives and especially hidden away in our hearts that become our mountains. What is it that is causing you to battle the treachery accompanied by the mountain? Satan is going against you everytime that you feel like you are the only one going through something; every struggle you are feeling, every temptation waning you, and every wound you've ever experienced, someone else has gone through it as well. We have to throw away the shame of our sins, and defeat the lie of Satan that says, "You whore. You're not clean, and especially not clean enough for The Lord." I'll be the first to tell you that I've fallen...the mountains that I had to climb towered ahead in my life for many years. Break down the mountain, let it crumble to ashes under the love, mercy, and grace of the Father. I know that most of you reading this have stuff inside that you haven't let go of, and no one else knows about is all still lingering inside, and wrenching your heart in the process. There is a mystery to all of our hearts, and Satan attempts to hide us from the key to unlock it through the lies we hear all of the time. We must let down our walls...become vulnerable. Become vulnerable for Him, let Him break you of the things that cause you to have these mountains. He's calling to you; calling for you to let go and be wrapped in His loving arms, calling for you to let Him transform your mountains. Take courage in knowing that you're part of a battle, you're in the midst of war and you are the treasure. And this battle is not one that only you are going through...we all have our mountains. Hope can be found, though, in the TRUTH that the mountains are His. Let Him take control of them, and the veil covering your eyes and heart can be removed to show the slopes...the slopes leading towards Him and towards Home.
What are your mountains...?
~Stay Strong~