(no subject)

Feb 17, 2008 13:55

Who can say no to owls? I can't! I have issues saying no to terrible puns, as well. :)

$2.99 each, even though only one was priced. Value Village.

Second hand yarn will probably become my new hoarding obsession (learning to crochet may have been dangerous!). I paid about $4 for 6 skeins. One huge skein of acrylic (navy), one skein of wool from Iceland (grey), and four skeins from the Peruvian Highlands in Andes Mountains (Wheat, deep ocean, and evergreen [not looking very green in the picture]). Basket was 50 cents and is now the home for Devon Sawa's toys. All scored at the St. Vincent Du Paul.

50 cents each at the Bibles for Missions. They're about 16cm tall. After a nice washing, they fit right in to my collection.

Sugar bowl, $2.99, and Creamer, $1.99, Value Village. They are made by Ridgeway and are a pattern called Harvest Gold.

While washing this, I whacked it against something and broke handle (pictured left) off. Luckily it was a clean break, and a little two part epoxy later you'd probably never notice. I probably would have cried if I hadn't been able to save it, but I've been known to tear up at coffee commercials, so who knows how much that's worth.

Aw, how adorable. I take milk in my tea, and am fine pouring it straight from the bag/carton, so usually I just use this as a place to put the sugar spoon.

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