Empty tank, broken camera, and a tired heart. Fun Fun for everyone.

Apr 29, 2004 02:00

Well, Pookie Bear died today so my brand new 5 gallon fish tank sits empty animated only by the bubbles comming from the bubble wand under the gravel. My roomate Caleb has this huge bump on the side of his neck about the size of half a ping pong ball and he tried popping it tonight with an exacto knife, some toilet paper and a safety pin. Baisicaly he ended up piercing the side of his neck with a safety pin and I got a saweet pic of it. However, once Caleb calmed down from the pain I tried to show him the pic, only to find out that my camera is broken. YAY!!! This should be fun to explain to my pops. Well kind of off track here, but I started work tonight and boy it was exactly what I needed, to get out of here. I sold $400 worth of stuff in 2 hours which, considering how freakin dead it was, was really good I guess. Hopefully they decide to work me more cause I sure could use the $$$. Man I feel so tired, not just physicaly but mentaly and spiritually. I feel cooped up here in this little 15'x15' room, it's my little jail that I can escape anytime I want but have nowhere to escape to, please someone give me a place to go that I can afford. I need to get out soon. It feels like an eternity sence my last K-town visit even though it has only been a few days. I miss my friends there so much already and I don't even know when I can next afford to go there. I just feel at home with them like I belong, which is the best feeling ever. I can just be myself around them and not have to worry about being judged or looked down upon and I really like that a lot(oh yeah Maryanne there is a space between "a" and "lot," just remember this little phrase "a lot of space between a lot") to all my K-town homies, I love ya all a lot and appreciate all of your friendships, even when you lie about the proms age limit to me. Lol jk. Oh and here is the nice drawing for Maryanne, Lauren your drawing is coming soon. Sorry it's not really a "draw"ing but I did what I wanted to so deal with it, he he he. PEACE!

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